Line Extension done right

Line extensions–you want them to keep the look of your brand and its equity but you always want it to stand out–making them unique in their own way.

Take  a look at the new Mission Artisan Style Tortillas. This particular product is brand new for the Mission. These tortillas are slightly thicker, less uniform, and are made up of unique grains which leads to a more crafted tortilla. Mission wanted to have these tortillas exude more of a small-batch, hand made feel– making them seem more authentic.10 20 11 artisan6Even though this product is brand new for Mission, when you look at the package, this is still very Mission. This package brings in some of the brown paper qualities from their existing chip bags as well as some assets from their taco shell line. They stuck to the same packaging format–the resealable bag so again all elements that their repeat customers are familiar with.

As far as making it stand out–notice the type/font for this new product. It seems to have more of a crafted feel. The color pallet used for the different varieties even has more of a riche feel with the dark green, brown, blue and red as opposed to the vibrant green, yellow and bright reds on their other products. The claims are clear and are different with each variety. The illustrations are simple, correlate with the variety color but break up the text in a nice way. This is a great example of a line extension–the branding is clear, the packaging is clean and the product is brand new. What more could you ask for?10 20 11 artisan210 20 11 artisan3

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